Life Codes

The Tenpo Tennis Life Codes, are the principals behind our philosophy. When applied, they become the cornerstones of purpose and a meaningful life.

We are repeatedly do. Excellence, then is a not an act, but a habit. 
- Aristotle

  1. Confidence: Knowing / Trust in oneself / Self-assurance.
  2. Strength: Mental and physical toughness / Might
  3. Honor: Integrity / High respect.
  4. Preparation: Being ready / Properly equipped / Planning.
  5. Excellence: The Best / High quality.
  6. Practice: Systematic exercise for proficiency / Engage in habitual performance
  7. Humility: Modesty / The state of being respectful / Understanding.
  8. Initiative: Asses and initiates independently.
  9. Pride: The state of feeling or being proud / Dignity / Self-respect.
  10. Perseverance: To continue in spite of difficulty.
  11. Attitude: A metal state of mind.
  12. Effort: Complete surrender to an action or process.
  13. Focus: Challenged / Channeled concentration.
  14. Commitment: A pledge or dedication / Promise.
  15. Courage: Ability to conquer fear.
  16. Intuition: Ability to understand immediately, without conscious reasoning.
  17. Goals: A desired result.
  18. Diligence: Persistent and hardworking effort.
  19. Stoic: State of being mindful / Calm / Controlled / High level of tolerance.
  20. Sacrifice: The act of giving up one thing to obtain another.